"Autumn that year painted the countryside in vivid shades of scarlet, saffron, and russet, and the days were clear and crisp under harvest skies." S.K. Penman.
In celebration of gardens and wild botanicals of Shaw Island, please view photos, cultural, and historical notes for seeds from a cross-section of island gardens and wild places. The posts listed here aid in cultivating the herbs and flower seeds bound in handmade packets at the shed along Reefnet Bay Road, in the spring, summer, and fall. There are also a few articles in the history timeline that help us remember some of the pioneer gardeners and the crops they grew.
01 November 2019
28 September 2019
Anno 25 August 2019
A native flower growing on Shaw Island,
San Juan Archipelago, WA.
Author photograph.
Native Douglas Aster
One of the best native flowers to grow for a food source for a large number of pollinators. Can be cast out in the fall.Life Cycle: Perennial
Hardiness Zone: 5-9
Habit: c. 3'-4' x 2', other places. (Only about 2' in height on Shaw Island, partly hidden in thick grass.) Laden with lilac-purple daisy-like flowers from July to October.
Soil: Prefers moist but also quite drought tolerant.
Germination: Seeds germinate easily and can be direct sown in fall or spring or started in flats in the spring and then transplanted.
TOLERATES: Shaw Island Deer!
For light conditions, this Aster will take full sun or partial shade areas subjected to salt or saline soils, areas that receive occasional floods and gardens that are blasted with cold winters.
Native: from the Aleutian Islands to northern California.
Notes: This is a late-season bloomer providing essential nectar to insects at a time when many other flowering plants are shutting down for winter.
Food source for a large number of butterfly and moth species, including the northern crescent, the field crescent, the painted lady, and the Isabella tiger moth (a.k.a. 'Wooly Bears'). The nectar-rich flowers attract hefty numbers of late-season bees, including bumblebees, leafcutter bees, and skippers. Also good for a rain garden.*
*Rain Garden: is a depressed area in the landscape that collects rainwater from a roof, driveway, or street, and also a place to let it sink into the ground. Planted with grasses and flowering perennials, rain gardens can be a cost-effective and beautiful way to reduce runoff from your property. Rain gardens can also provide food and shelter for butterflies and songbirds.
For instructions on building a rain garden CLICK HERE.
People interested in food for pollinators visiting their orchard and garden, there are a few packets of these native seeds now included at the Gatehouse, Reefnet Bay Road, Shaw Island, WA.
06 August 2019
Carex 'Frosted Curls' is hardy to -10° (USDA Z 6b). It will take full sun or part shade. Effective when planted on a slope, in containers, or in rock gardens, where its foliage can cascade. Evergreen with winter interest.
26 July 2019
🌿 Climbing around on the island 🌿
"Just living is not enough, said the butterfly,
one must have sunshine, freedom, and
a little flower."
Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)
Danish author declared a 'National Treasure" in
his home country.
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Clematis durandii A climbing vine blooming on Shaw Island this day of twenty-six July 2019 Seeds available soon at the Shaw Island Gatehouse, Reefnet Bay Road, Shaw Island. |
21 June 2019
One report claims this Rhododendron is tricky to propagate by cuttings but there will be lots of seeds to harvest in late summer for Gatehouse packets. There is no pre-treatment necessary, an unheated greenhouse and humusy soil would be handy.
21 May 2019
🌿 Little Sparks from Bowles' Golden Grass
Botanical name: Milium effusum ‘Aureum’
Native Region: Garden origin. Prefers open woodland.
Zone Range: 6-9
Type: Perennial grass.
Bloom Description: As the season progresses tiny golden, bead-like flowers on thin stems gracefully create a delicate sparkle of gold.
Maintenance: Easy.
Tolerates: Deer.
Most grasses and grass-like plants require full sun, but this semi-evergreen grass is the exception to the rule. The bonus is that the delicate chartreuse leaves will brighten a shady corner in any garden. Sow seeds in fall or spring, by just broadcasting out where you would like to see them germinate in situ. Best grown in partial but will take full shade. Self-seeds freely, but is very easy to control.
If it gets messy looking in the heat of high summer, just use scissors to snip back the delicate foliage.
This grass comes true from seed propagation.
RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM.)
The common name "Bowles Golden Grass" is to honor E. A. Bowles, a British horticulturist, plantsman, and garden writer who introduced this variety into cultivation. It was considered one of his best finds when he introduced this yellow form of wood millet.
"E. A. Bowles, (1865-1954) Edward Augustus (Gus or Gussie) Bowles, known professionally as E. A. Bowles, was a British horticulturist, plantsman, and garden writer. He developed an important garden at Myddelton House, his lifelong home in Enfield, Middlesex and his name has been preserved in many varieties of plants. E. A. Bowles was born at his family's home, Myddelton House. He was of Huguenot descent through his maternal great-grandmother and his father, Henry Carrington Bowles was Chairman of the New River Company, which until 1904 controlled the artificial waterway that flowed past Myddelton, bringing water to London from the River Lea.
Through his elder brother Henry, Bowles was the great uncle of Andrew Parker Bowles (born 1939), whose first wife, Camilla Shand, became Duchess of Cornwall on her marriage to Charles, Prince of Wales in 2005.
Bowles gave his name to upwards of forty varieties of plants, and there are others that originated with him. For example, he named a Hellebore 'Gerrard Parker' after a local art master, Crocus tommasinianus 'Bobbo' after the boy who first spotted it, and Rosmarinus officinalis 'Miss Jessopp's Upright' after a gardening neighbor. Erysimum 'Bowles' Mauve' was among "200 plants for 200 years" chosen by the RHS to mark its bicentenary in 2004 and, to coincide with the hundredth anniversary of the Chelsea Flower Show in 2013 was shortlisted (from among introductions between 1973-83) as one of ten "plants of the centenary". Other significant introductions included Viola 'Bowles' Black', cotton lavender 'Edward Bowles' (Santolina pinnata subsp. neopolitana). Vita Sackville-West cites the yellow and brown Crocus chrysanthus 'E.A. Bowles' as among the first bulbs to flower in her garden at Sissinghurst, while another spring plant, the slow-growing Muscari 'Bowles's Peacock', is commended by Richard Hobbs, holder of the British National Plant Collection of Muscari.
E. A. Bowles brought into cultivation several other yellow-leaved grasses and sedges. He also introduced a golden form of the wood sedge, Luzula sylvatica 'Aurea' and found Carex elata 'Aurea' on Wicken Fen, one of his favourite hunting grounds.
It has been described by another doyen of plantsmen, Christopher Lloyd, as "a plant to treasure, its colour changing in unexpected ways".
In 1908 Bowles was elected to the Council of the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), whose grounds at Wisley, Surrey, now contain a memorial garden to him. Bowles received the society's highest award, the Victoria Medal of Honour, in 1916 and was a Vice-President from 1926 until his death almost thirty years later. RHS colleagues knew him as 'Bowley'. "
15 April 2019
"The goddess daughter of Atlas was Calypso, whose name means concealment, with reference to this lovely flower's habit of hiding among the mosses of the forest floor, in the shade––essential to its existence––of high forest trees. 'Bulbosa,' of course, refers to the oval white pseudo-bulb (corm) from which grow the single, strikingly parallel-veined, ovate leaf, and the 6-inch delicate scape carrying its solitary nodding and lovely blossom. The blossom, in the windless air of the forest, delights the wanderer with its heavenly fragrance––fresh, spicy, and utterly distinctive. It is a perfume to be mentioned in the same breath with that of the Twinflower, a perfume more subtle and refined even than that of the Rein-orchid.
The tiny 'bulb' is most tenuously fixed to the forest duff by a few thread-like fibers, which are broken with fatal effects, by the most careful attempts to pinch off the enchanting flower-stem. Further, the bulb grows only in association with certain species of fungi, so that it is virtually impossible to transplant it successfully––as many thousands of admirers can ruefully report. One must need come reverently to its native haunts, there to admire it, and go blithely away––happy in the knowledge that others may come to enjoy it.
An unusual feature of this sole member of its genus in North America, is the appearance in late summer of the distinctive leaf, which persists through the rough weather of fall and winter, until the plump flower bud appears and is pushed upward by the lengthening scape, from March to June according to latitude and elevation. After the flower has withered the leaf slowly shrivels, and during the early summer months, the plant is almost undetectable.
Especially on southern Vancouver Island [B.C.,] one occasionally finds the form ALBA, ethereally lovely and glistening white. When shape and proportion, colour and perfume are all considered, this must rank as one of the most enchantingly lovely of all our native plants.
On May 4 1792, Archibald Menzies, naturalist with Captain George Vancouver, was anchored near the present site of Port Discovery, WA, and making a landing and excursion into the forest'... met with vast abundance of that rare plant the Cypropedium bulbosom/ which was now in full bloom & grew about the roots of the Pine trees in very spongy soil & dry situations.' Menzies' Journal of Vancouver's Voyage. 1792."
Professor Lewis J. Clark.
Wild Flowers of the Pacific Northwest
from Alaska to Northern California. pp. 53-54.
Never will seeds or bulbs of this native be for sale at the Gatehouse but we can enjoy them on treks through the woods.
Never will seeds or bulbs of this native be for sale at the Gatehouse but we can enjoy them on treks through the woods.
13 April 2019
🌿 Summer Snowflakes for a Happy Spring 🌿
"A garden is not a picture,
but a language,
which is of course,
the major art of life."
American writer, Henry Mitchell
20 March 2019
❖ Little guy planting ❖
"The love of gardening is a seed
that once sown never dies."
Gertrude Jekyll (1843-1932)
14 March 2019
Today, March 14 2019, the flying painted acrobats are back on Shaw Island after their long journey from their wintering grounds in the south. The male Rufous Hummingbirds arrive a few weeks ahead of the gals, a late occurrence this year.
These photos are
Courtesy of the Cornell Ornithology Lab site.history
Click on the above link to check on diet, habitat, nesting, so we can keep them happy, safe, and returning to our gardens and wild places.
These photos are
Courtesy of the Cornell Ornithology Lab site.history
Click on the above link to check on diet, habitat, nesting, so we can keep them happy, safe, and returning to our gardens and wild places.
20 January 2019
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