14 February 2021

Blind Bay Pussy Willow


Blind Bay Pussy Willow
To view the sugar glaze,
please click the image.
Planted from a sprig
of Mrs. Difford's floral bouquet
many years ago.
The photo was taken Valentine's Day 2021
Shaw Island, Washington.

"Time does make a difference in any garden. At first, you wonder if anything will ever get large enough to count in the general picture. Then you wonder if there is any way to keep it from growing further. For years the little Cunninghamia, say, a favorite shrub, then all of a sudden it becomes a small tree, then after a while, you start thinking of it as a gnarled and marvelous fixture of the garden and can hardly think back to the time before you had it.
      The great trick, I am now sure, is to flow with the tide."
Henry Mitchell, please be my Valentine.

09 February 2021


Blooming on Shaw Island,
San Juan Archipelago, WA., 
before the SNOW.
9 February 2021.

"Some gardeners think of the Winter Aconite as the first flower of spring but I have never done much with those pleasant little yellow flowers and the shooting of the “Snowdrop leaves is my particular signal that spring, even if far away, will come in time. It is strange that no country name compares Snowdrops with bells for they are bell-like as they swing to and fro. How they do swing on those delicate threads which connect flower to stem. You’d think they would be torn off. But they can stand any gale that blows. They yield to the wind rather than oppose it. A tree may be blown down in the night but never a single Snowdrop head is blown off. Their strength is that they know when to give in. There is moral in that somewhere.”

H.L.V. Fletcher, Popular Flowering Plants.