18 October 2016

🌿 English Apple 🌿 BRAMLEY

Bramley Apple
Shaw Island, WA.
Anno eighteen October 2016.

"The best English apples by long training know how to 
behave in a pie; they melt but do not squelch; they inform
but do not predominate. The early apples, grateful as we
are for their re-appearance, are not true pie-makers.
We pardon these adolescents, who do the best they can,
but we pass on to the later autumn apples to find pie
manners at their best. And what should an apple do 
in a pie? Well I think it should preserve the individuality 
 and form, not go to a pale, mealy squash, but become
 soft and golden. In flavour it must be sharp or what's the
use of your Barbados sugar?"
Edward Bunyard. 

The Epicure's Companion, 1937
The first Bramley apple tree was grown from pips by a little girl in England, over two hundred years ago. For more history see this site.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this. And a passle of recipes for this vintage apple--or antique, I think--on top of a beautiful photo, and history. Thanks, Cheri. Maggie W.
